Sunday, October 7, 2007

sign on the dotted line

'to be with contract, or without; that is the question.'
three words: DON'T DO IT!
so you wanna be a model do ya...well, just because you got suckered into signing a three year contract with some sleezy city slicker, does not make you the next daria or giselle. before you pick up the pen, think this one through: if they've got you tied down for three years, how hard do they really need to work for you? on the other hand, that lucky duck down the block who was just plucked from the pack by one of the city's best agents, is booking gigs left, right and centre - - guess why? that lucky duck is so lucky because she's working with one of the many agency's in the city that don't do contracts - - if they want to keep that girl on the wall, first they've got to keep her satisfied. if she doesn't work...lucky duck moves on to the next booker in town.
so, my pretties, the contract doesn't make the model. the contract simply, well, f**ks the model. on average, models move from agency to agency atleast once every two years for so many different reasons; dispute, bookers move on to something younger, better, fresher; it's key to love your booker and have your booker love you, so, this can turn into somewhat of a challenge at times. what happens if things go down the tubes and you're stuck for three years??? think you can get out of that signature early?? think you can work elsewhere behind their back?? think again...small world...smaller industry...people talk...that's all we do. and trust me, a model has been sued a time or two since the beginning of style.
if a contract is absolutely, positively necessary...stay in the clear...make it a year;)

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