Friday, May 9, 2008

Are you F*CKING kidding me?

If you so happen to be a member on the chronic epidemic of today's computer-savvy youth, which calls itself facebook, then you undeniably, absolutely must take a look at this:
A group on facebook, entitled "Fuck weighing 3 digits," describes itself as...quote - -
"This is a group designed to those of us who wish to be under 100 pounds. Being 80 lbs IS sexy, and skeletons are beautiful! One in 5 of us have an eating disorder, and no, it is NOT a problem!" - - unquote.
Idolizing Nicole Ritchie and stating remarks such as 'Don't worry Nicole, you'll lose that extra ten pounds,' and discussing purging on the infamous wall, this group is a meeting place for insane little girls who have no concept on what 'beautiful' truly means.
So, ya, this is supposed to be a fashion blog. But, once in a while, when something catches my attention, it simply can't be ignored. It is wrong to say that all 'skinny' people have an eating disorder, yes. It is wrong to believe that all models force their tiny bodies to look that way. Some figures are naturally that small. Key word there: naturally. Natural is not only beautiful, but healthy! People with eating disorders aren't exactly glowing, exuding beauty. Everyone in existance has a natural form. Embrace it. Eat healthy. Eat regularly. Indulge in some physical activity every now and again. Be beautiful.

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