Thursday, November 1, 2007

who are you?

Greetings, Friends, Citizens and Fellow Apartment Dwellers,This is Ryan Oakley, who some of you may know as The Grumpy Owl. I would like to bring your attention to an issue that is important to me and, I suppose, to you, The Fashion Community. Yesterday I received an email from the anonymous creators of an online petition, which demanded transparency in L'Oreal Fashion Week. In doing so, they managed to give me all of your email addresses. Worse still, they gave you mine. Something like this can only result in mass emailings from crackpots like myself. But please, hear me out. Although I found it uncomfortable that a group who demands transparency is remaining anonymous, I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I did as they asked in their last correspondence. "We hope you understand our reasons for remaining anonymous for the time being." I understood. They are cowards. I expect that. But, when they invaded my privacy by sending all of you people my email address, they ceased to be the run of the mill swine and became repugnant hypocrites. Why should they retain the luxury of anonymity while they deny basic privacy to me? Just who are these people? More importantly, just who do they think they are? Whether or this was just accidental stupidity on their part or purposeful idiocy is irrelevant. The simple fact is this: Their request for anonymity has become completely untenable. I can no longer support it. I'm asking you to sign a petition, demanding that they reveal their identity. If they wish the Mayor and Ms. Robin Kay to respond to theirs, it only seems right that they respond to ours. It would be a good first step to regaining some credibility.

The petition:

Best Wishes,
Ryan Jack Arthur Oakley